We help you sell or trade your car


We’re real people who make it easy for you
to find the dealer that will present the
most competitive trade or purchase
offer, all from the comfort of your own
home or office.

We make it easier than ever for you to connect with local dealers in your area to get a real offer on your vehicle, but we understand that you may still not want to negotiate and shop around…
If this sounds like you, we can help! 

Hire our concierge service to find you the best offer.

Concierge engagement fee



If we source an acceptable offer and you decide to sell your car to the dealer that presented the offer, we charge an additional closing fee based on the final sale price of your vehicle.


Your in control when shopping your car

Access our team to work for you!

The concierge service is an upfront fee to engage with the GetaRealOffer team. Once we start working for you, we will:

  • walk you through an appraisal in the GetaRealOffer application
  • shop your vehicle for you in both your local and extended local area
  • Consult with you on the offers you have received
  • Setup an appointment for you to meet the dealer that you want to pursue the offer.
  • We will also be your advocate with the dealer during the dealer meeting

Closing fee

$2,000 - $10,000


$10,001 - $20,000


$20,001 - $40,000


for every additional $20,000



You are unique, and so is the car you drive

Offers from dealers will vary by hundreds or thousands of dollars, so it’s essential to find the dealer who’s looking for and needs the vehicle you have to trade or sell.
We help every consumer get a competitive offer when they’re ready to sell or trade.


Ready to shop dealers to get a competitive offer?
It’s easy!

Download the free GetaRealOffer app from Google Play Store using this link to trade in your car online
Download the free GetaRealOffer app from Apple's App Store link to experience our free online appraisal tool

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